“Elevate helped me realize I wasn't alone”
2022 Impact Report | 2021 Impact Report
We have impacted more than 2,500 students in the South Bronx
72% of students share life problems with their Teacher Mentor, compared to the national average of 68%.
34% of students have one-on-one sessions with their Teacher Mentor monthly, compared to the national average of 31%.
45% of students reported that Elevate is the reason they passed their classes, compared to the national average of 37%.
62% of Elevate students participate in afterschool activities, compared to the national average of 57%.
66% of students reported they do not get in trouble at school, compared to the national average of 59%.
57% of students ask for forgiveness from peers they hurt, compared to the national average of 48%.
In 2022, the average GPA of an Elevate Student was a B.
College & Career
89% of the Elevate’s Class of 2022 enrolled in college or the military
89% of Elevate’s Class of 2022 had a post-secondary plan, 100% successfully secured their planned post-secondary position (Community College, University, Trade School, or the Military)
100% of 11th and 12th grade Elevate students are on track to graduate on time, compared to 88% of 10th grade students and 50% of 9th grade students.
After completing three semesters of Elevate programming, 100% of students are on track to graduate on time, compared to 76% of their peers not enrolled in Elevate’s program
Testimonials from the class of 2022
"I learned that I cannot lead without the help of a team and because of Elevate I am a team player." -Baimagou, enrolled at Lehman College
"Elevate taught me that I can be strong and still lean on others for support. I’ve learned how to accept help from others." -Jadali, enrolled at The City College of New York
"Elevate helped me realize my resilience. I developed the skills I needed to pick myself up after overwhelming and stressful situations." -Laisha, enrolled at Baruch College
"Elevate taught me that I can face my fears with the support of others." -Kevin, enrolled at Queensborough Community College
“One of the Elevate values still stuck in my mind is integrity. It means no matter what you always do the right thing. Even when no one is looking at you or watching you. It’s always about how we represent ourselves in every situation.” -Jeba, enrolled at Hunter College
“During my time with Elevate, I learned what kind of person, learner, and teacher I am. I use my goals and boundaries to determine the people I want in my life.” -Kylia, enrolled at Kingsborough Community College
“Elevate taught me that even though I am shy, I can do anything with motivation and support. I conquered my fear of public speaking because of the support of my peers and my Teacher Mentors.” -Janley, enrolled at Hostos Community College
"My Teacher Mentors helped me identify where I was struggling academically. They supported me as I worked hard to achieve my goals." -Ronald, enrolled at Rider University