Our Programs
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These components introduce our students to positive and caring adult mentors who ensure they don’t have to navigate through challenges alone. Our holistic approach to youth development provides social-emotional support to youth as they explore new experiences and face new challenges; providing them with the foundation necessary to flourish into leaders.  Incorporated into all Elevate New York’s curriculum are seven character qualities and six skills designed to develop social-emotional skills and empower students to succeed.

Character Qualities for Success


Thinking & dreaming of your future


Standing up for what you believe in


Treating yourself and others well


Being kind and helping others



Doing what you need to do

Positive Work Ethic

Working hard and doing a good job


Honesty, honor, keeping your word

Skills for Success


Preparing for your career, based on your skills and interests


Speaking clearly, listening carefully, & making sure you understand


Influencing a team to accomplish a goal


Developing effective solutions for difficult situations


Making good decisions


Making plans and taking steps to reach your dreams

Accredited Classes

Daily accredited classes

Year-long, five-days- a-week curriculum

Fully aligned with Common Core Standards and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Competencies.


Teacher-mentors spend 50% of their out-of-classroom time mentoring students.

Students have access to their teacher-mentors 24/7/365

Teacher Mentors are life-long, positive role models, who influence the trajectory of a child’s future.


Students are empowered to explore life beyond their comfort zone

New and challenging experiences are a tool to develop teamwork, leadership, confidence, and self-worth

Many of our students have little access to nature, so we apply lessons taught in the classroom outdoors

College and Career

Elevates provides students with support for each step of the college admission process; such as exam preparation, applications, essay writing, scholarships, and admission interviews.

Teacher Mentors support students in career planning to develop a concrete post-secondary plan

Guest Speakers introduce students to careers, professional opportunities, and post-secondary pathways.