Beyond Elevate: Career readiness
In May, Elevate hosted a Career Readiness event in the classroom and it was a huge success! We had 6 professionals from MTV, Pinterest, Epsagon, Katz Media & Premier join us in the classroom to conduct 75-speed networking & mock interviews for 25 of our students.
When asked what they had learned through this experience, Elevate students said:
I don’t need to be scared to ask questions.
I am very brave.
I am not as shy as I thought.
I have the skills to network.
When I am feeling stressed I can do a reset.
I can handle new environments and I am not afraid of helpful criticism.
How simple it can be to get to know someone and start a conversation.
All I needed was more confidence in my abilities.
When asked what they enjoyed most about this experience, Elevate students said:
Getting to know new people.
Listening to the positive feedback of the interviewers and the opportunity to have conversations with them.
Realizing how much I have already accomplished.
Talking with the interviewers and getting their advice.
Talking with people who had previous experiences that could use to help guide me and reassure me.
Telling someone how I see my future and sharing what I hope the future holds for me.
When asked what they would want to share with their Teacher Mentors or the Interviewers, Elevate students said:
We should do this again!
I am grateful that we did this.
I admire the work everyone put in to prepare this for us. I appreciated getting to understand the interviews from the interviewer’s side.
I appreciate the opportunity to explore the interview process and gain experience for the future.
I am grateful for their help in breaking me out of my shell and for helping me not be nervous when talking to people.
You helped us prepare for the future, so we know what to expect and what types of questions we need to answer.